The Opportunities, Memories, and Inventory UIs for the controller no longer have default bindings and are now only accessible via the UI Radial, as intended.Player movement is now initially and exclusively tied to the WASD keys on PC, rather than having a “hidden” set of bindings assigned to the Arrow Keys.Fixed an issue that was preventing Characters receiving a Handjob in the Hot Tub from using any sexual sounds whatsoever (does not apply to the “M”/non-Explicit version of the game).
Two additional InteractiveProperties/Properties are now available and calculated depending on what oral act a Character is undertaking: GivingCunnilingus, and GivingOral.There has been no change in functionality, but CSC users will need to be sure to refactor their stories to use the new Property instead of the InteractiveState It has now been replaced with InteractiveProperty/Property GivingBlowJob. Removed InteractiveState/State GivingBlowJob.Loading a saved game now takes into account the PlayerGender data within the save (fixes issues with gender swaps that can occur when loading saves).
Player gender choice is retained in Character Select UI between sessions. The default controller button for crouching is now Left Stick/Left Analog (press), and the default controller button for running is now Left Trigger/LT. Fixed an issue that could allow the UI Radial to either toggle on, or at least try to toggle on, at times it should not, which could cause it to display at unintended times or prevent expected Cancel/Escape/etc. Fixed an issue that could cause a NullReferenceException and intermittent faulty behavior when trying to select a sorting option in the Inventory UI. Fixed an issue that was limiting what controller and mouse buttons could progress the user through transitional scenes like the Eek! Games logo and Disclaimer scenes. Fixed an issue in Katherine’s cutscene that could cause it to get stuck. Added Frank mini oral scene in the yard (asset only at this time not available in story). Updated cloth physics for Ashley, Katherine, Lety and Stephanie. Adjusted colors for most of the interactable UI elements to improve visibility. The female player character can be selected in the Character Select UI (* in select releases).